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flower, red flower, painting, watercolor
Mi acuarela de la flor "Bauhinia Variegata" que inspiró la creación da la logo de

¡Feliz cumpleaños, sitio web! ¡Feliz cumpleaños, vida Ahmyo!

Escribo hoy para celebrar el primer año de

Escribo en honor y gratitud a mí misma..

También escribo para inspirar a todos los Maestros que quieran compartir su camino y sabiduría con el mundo.

Querido Maestro, no temas. ¡Respira profundo en tu presencia y brilla tu luz!

En este artículo comparto un poco de la historia de la creación de mi sitio web, y cómo la pasión abre los caminos.


El Comienzo

Todo comenzó en enero de 2021, con metas para el nuevo año.

Metas sueltas, sin presión.

Una de ellas era “crear mi propio sitio web”.

En el 2020 pasé por un intenso proceso de integración, noches oscuras del alma, sufrimiento y liberación de viejas cadenas. Sólo pude soportar todo eso porque yo escribía. Escribía casi todos los días, lo llamaba "sesiones de autoterapia".

Era como hablarme a mí misma, un espacio donde escribía los dolores de mi parte humana y canalizaba la sabiduría de la Maestra.

Esas horas que pasaba escribiendo eran como largos paseos con una amiga.

Y sé que no solo me acompañaba mi Yo-Maestra, sino también otros amigos no-físicos que están conmigo en este camino de la Iluminación Encarnada.

¡Caminando, caminando en otros reinos! Quitando los velos, recordando la Verdad. No necesitaba escuchar conferencias, seguir a ningún gurú, si tenía mi computadora y un editor de texto a mi disposición. O incluso el tradicional papel (mucho papel) y bolígrafo.

Cada nuevo texto creaba un “clic” interno que cambiaría para siempre mi perspectiva de la vida.

Pero, ¿por qué hablé tanto de escribir? Porque eso es lo que me motivó a crear el sitio: quería compartir todo lo que había aprendido en mi experiencia hasta el momento y todo lo que aún iba a aprender.

Creé como un Espacio Seguro para Seres Soberanos.

¡Creé para inspirar una nueva conciencia!

Inspirar es mi mayor pasión. Inspirar es sutil. Inspirar no es enseñar, no es imponer, no es exhibir. Inspirar es ser. Ser y dejarse ver.

Dejarse ver! Esta es la parte que a la humana no le gusta nada.

Ser Vista

En el mismo período que comencé a crear el sitio web, renovamos la casa donde vivo, en Porto Alegre. Quitamos el techo e hicimos uno nuevo, me pareció muy simbólico.

En el momento de esta renovación (que curiosamente convergió con el “Reset de la Conciencia”) yo solía pasar mucho tiempo en el patio de mi casa, sola con los árboles y los pájaros, “escondida” en mi rincón. Y gracias a esta renovación, unos 4 o 5 hombres estaban ahora encima de la casa.

En otras palabras, ¡me estaban viendo!

Mientras sentía el malestar en mi cuerpo, escuché a mi alma decir claramente: “la gente se sube al techo para verte, ¿Cuándo vas a mostrar tu luz al mundo?”

Entonces publiqué mi sitio web: compré el dominio el 2 de junio de 2021.

Un Acto de Conciencia

Sunset, Porto Alegre, River, Guaiba

Consideré que el sitio estaba listo para ser compartido el 12 de junio, día de los enamorados en Brasil. Un día de amor, perfecto para un nacimiento.

Era sábado y pasé la mañana dando los últimos toques a mi hermosa creación.

En la tarde salí con mi novia (yo misma) y mi radiante alegría a celebrar viendo un hermoso atardecer en el río.

¡Estaba tan feliz, todo se veía tan bello!

Al lado del río hay un parque, y el parque estaba lleno de parejas cogidas de la mano, abrazándose, sentadas en bancos, besándose… ¡El amor estaba en el aire!

Yo caminaba entre la gente prácticamente bailando en celebración. Vi el atardecer escuchando mi versión favorita de Stairway to Heaven en vivo, con un delicioso solo que me puso en un estado de éxtasis. ¡Guau! La pasión floreció en mi corazón, sentí que nunca había hecho algo tan maravilloso en mi vida.

Fue entonces cuando me di cuenta, y casi dije en voz alta: ¡Es un acto de conciencia! Vida Ahmyo! ¡Carajo, tantos nombres para elegir y elegí Vida Ahmyo! Esto significa que tendré que actuar cada vez más en Ahmyo, ya no habrá espacios para juegos de víctimas, porque estoy mostrando mi Verdadero Ser... ¡Mira qué lindo regalo me hice! ¡Feliz día de los enamorados, mi amor!"

Me dije esto a mí misma, sintiendo una mezcla de sentimientos que ni siquiera puedo explicar ahora.

Pero fue un glorioso momento "a-ha" (ese clic interno) que recordé muchas veces durante los últimos 12 meses.

Primeros Meses - desafíos y amigos del alma

Tan pronto como publiqué el sitio, lo compartí con mis amigos Shaumbra más cercanos.

Una de estas amigas, la querida Antonieta, me llamó y estuvo muchos minutos expresando toda la ALEGRÍA que sintió al ver mi creación! ¡Ah, tan dulce esta Maestra! ¡Qué honor compartir mi viaje con ella!

También recibí una llamada de mi querido amigo Maestro Alaor, y por supuesto, recibí mucho apoyo de mis amigos Aline y LH, creadores de, quienes son pioneros y han estado compartiendo su sabiduría en internet durante muchos años.

¡Me sentí tan abundante, tan rica!

Ser vista por ojos tan amorosos me dio más confianza para seguir adelante.

El primer desafío con el que me encontré fue el regreso a las redes sociales. Hacía años que no tenía ninguna otra red social que no fuera whatsapp y youtube. Realmente no quería crear una cuenta de Instagram - había tenido una experiencia deprimente con Instagram, me consideraba bastante feliz sin él.

Pero sabía que necesitaba ser vista… así que creé nuevas cuentas en las redes sociales y comenzó la mejor parte de esta historia: ¡encontrarme de nuevo con mis amigos del alma!

¡Ah, cómo me calienta el corazón, qué hermoso es ver a los Maestros Encarnados! Lo amo tanto. Es imposible describir cómo me emociona ver el brillo en los ojos de aquellos que han pasado por el infierno y ahora pueden brillar su luz... ¡Es indescriptible!

Navegando por las redes sociales, recibiendo solicitudes de amistad y nuevos seguidores, ¡me impresionó ver que realmente hay Shaumbra en todo el mundo!

Era como si yo fuera una maga del bosque que ahora estaba descubriendo la vida en el mundo más allá de sus límites.

El segundo desafío vino cuando me di cuenta de que todas estas personas en todo el mundo estaban accediendo a mi sitio web y él estaba completamente en portugués.

¡Solo puedo imaginar lo que el traductor logró expresar en ruso! Probablemente fue un poco diferente del mensaje original.

Ante el hecho de que necesitaba traducir el sitio, sentí mucha resistencia. Muchos pensamientos me decían que mi inglés no era lo suficientemente bueno, que aún no estaba lista para dar un paso tan grande, que debía empezar a estudiar todos los días... ¡Pero atravesé la oscuridad apasionadamente!

¡Respiré a través de todas las mentiras y en agosto de 2021 era un sitio web bilingüe!

Esto representó una gran apertura y expansión. Muchos seres maravillosos han llegado a mí gracias a este paso adelante.

¡Una vez más la pasión lo sacó todo del camino e hizo espacio para la luz!

bauhinia variegata, flower, pink floer, nature, tree
La foto que inspiró la pintura. Bauhinia Variegata - The Ahmyo Life Flower!



He dividido este artículo en tres partes, para hacer más agradable la lectura. Observo que en cada parte de la historia que se está compartiendo, está infundida la energía de todos los caminos energéticos que he recorrido enfrentando la oscuridad (lo desconocido) y avanzando, caminando con valentía.

Estoy compartiendo mi experiencia con un corazón abierto, para todos los que se abren a recibir.

Gracias por tu presencia, querido amigo.

Un abrazo y hasta pronto!


flower, red flower, painting, watercolor
My watercolor painting of the "Bauhinia Variegata" flower, that inspired the creation of the logo for

Happy Birthday, The Ahmyo Life!

I write this post in celebration of the first year of

I write in honor and gratitude to myself.

I also write to inspire all Masters who want to share their journey and wisdom with the world.

Dear Master, fear not! Take a deep breath in your presence and shine your light!

In this article, I share little stories about the creation of this site, and how passion opens the way!


The beginning

It all started in January 2021, with goals for the new year.

Loose goals, no pressure.

One of them was “create my own website”.

In 2020, I went through an intense integration process, dark nights of the soul, suffering, and release from old chains.

And it was only possible to bear all this because of writing. I used to write almost every day. I called it “self-therapy sessions.” They were like conversations with myself, where I wrote down the pain of my human part and channeled the wisdom of the Master that I Am.

The time I spent writing was like going to long walks with a friend. And I know that not only my Master Self accompanied me, but also other non-physical friends who are with me on this path of Embodied Enlightenment.

Walking, walking in other realms! Removing veils, remembering Truth. I didn't need to listen to any lectures or follow any gurus if I had my computer and a text editor at my disposal. Or even the traditional paper (lots of paper) and pen.

With every new text, a new internal “click” would forever change my ways of seeing life.

But why did I talk so much about writing? Because that's what motivated me to create the site: I anted to share everything I had learned on my journey so far, and everything I would learn along the way.

I created as a Safe Space for Sovereign Beings.

I created to Inspire New Consciousness!

Inspiring is my biggest passion. Inspiring is subtle. Inspiration is not teaching, is not imposing, is not showing off. To inspire is to be. To be and to be seen.

Oh, to be seen! That's the part my human doesn't like at all.

Being Seen

At the same time I started creating the website, we renovated the house where I live, in Porto Alegre. We removed the roof and made a new one. It seemed very symbolic to me.

At the time of this renovation (which curiously converged with the “Consciousness Reset”), I used to spend a lot of time with the trees and the birds in my backyard. Kind of “hidden” in my haven. And thanks to this renovation, there were about 5 men on top of my house, building the new roof. Which means I was being seen!

As I felt the discomfort in my body, I heard my soul say clearly: “people are climbing on the roof to see you, when are you going to show your light to the world?!”

So I published my website: I purchased the domain on June 2, 2021.

An Act of Consciousness

Sunset, Porto Alegre, River, Guaiba

I considered the site ready to be shared on June 12th, Valentine's Day in Brazil. A day of love, perfect for a birth.

It was a Saturday, and I spent the morning adding the finishing touches to my beautiful creation.

In the afternoon I went out with my girlfriend (myself) and my radiant joy to celebrate by watching the sunset on the river.

I was so happy! Everything looked so gorgeous!

Next to the river, there is a park, and the park was full of couples holding hands, hugging, sitting on benches, kissing... Love was in the air!

I walked among the people, almost dancing in celebration.

I watched the sunset listening to my favorite version of Stairway to Heaven live, with a delicious solo that put me in a state of ecstasy. Wow! Passion blossomed in my heart. I felt that I had never done something so wonderful in my life.

Then I realized, and I almost said aloud: It's an Act of Consciousness! The Ahmyo Life!

Holy crap! So many names, and I chose The Ahmyo Life! It means that I will have to act Ahmyo more and more! No more room for victim games, as I am showing up as my true self... Look what a nice gift I gave myself! Happy Valentine's day, my love!"

I said this to myself, feeling a mixture of things that I can't even explain now. But it was an amazing “a-ha” moment that I remembered many times over the last 12 months.

First months - Challenges and Soul Friends

As soon as I published the site, I shared it with my closest Shaumbra friends.

One of these friends, dear Antonieta, called me and spent several minutes expressing all the JOY she felt when she saw my creation! Oh, such a sweet Master! I'm honored to share my journey with her.

I also got a call from my beloved friend Alaor. And a lot of encouragement and support from my friends Aline and LH - creators of - who are pioneers and have been sharing their wisdom and light on the internet for many years.

I felt so abundant, so rich!

Being seen by such loving eyes gave me more confidence to move forward.

The first challenge I came across was the return to social media. I spent years without it. I really didn't want to create another Instagram account - I had had a depressing experience with Instagram and considered myself pretty happy without it.

But I knew I needed to be seen, so I created new social media accounts, and the best part of this story began: meeting my Soul friends again!

Oh, how it warms my heart! How beautiful it is to see Embodied Masters! I love it so much. It's impossible to describe how it thrills me to see the sparkle in the eyes of those who have been through hell, and now are creating Heaven on's beyond words!

Browsing social media, receiving friend requests, and checking my new followers, I was impressed to see that there is really Shaumbra all over the world!

It’s like I was a Forest Mage who was discovering life in the world beyond her limits.

The second challenge came when I realized that all these people from different parts of the world were accessing my website, and it was completely in Portuguese.

I can only imagine what the translator managed to express in Russian! It was probably a little different from my original message.

By facing the fact that I needed to translate the website, I felt a lot of resistance. Many thoughts that my English was not good enough, that I was not ready yet for such a big step, that I should start studying every day... But I passionately went through it, breathed through all the lies, and in August 2021, was a bilingual website!

What a great opening and expansion! Many wonderful beings have come to me thanks to this step forward.

Once again passion got everything out of the way and made room for light!

bauhinia variegata, flower, pink floer, nature, tree
The picture that inspired the painting. Bauhinia Variegata - The Ahmyo Life Flower!

To be continued…


I divided this article into three chapters to make reading more enjoyable. I note that in every part of the story that is being shared I infused the energy of the energetic pathways I have walked, facing the darkness (the unknown) and moving forward courageously.

Thank you for your presence, dear friend.

A big hug, and see you soon!


Full Moon Blue Night Black Trees

This morning I opened one of my 2020 notebooks/diaries. I just felt the intuition to do so. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and opened to a random page. Curiously (or obviously!) what was written on the open page was exactly what I needed to read.

Still following my intuition, I flipped the notebook backward (screw linearity) and found even more beauty and clarity: a poem written on a spur of passion.

The date of this poem is July 4, 2020.

It was written at night, I remember that night with delicious nostalgia, and I even want to travel back in time and feel again like that girl in wonder looking at the moon... I am no longer that. I die along the way, new Selves are born, consciousness expands, and I can no longer live in the limited world I lived in before. That's why it's fun to visit it and kiss the chubby cheeks of that human so hungry for more light, for more conscience, for more and more truth, more freedom, for flying free through the sky! And in that sweet little kiss, I whisper: “everything's okay, you're doing everything right. I Am Here."

The night in question was a cold winter night, I was probably wrapped in a blanket so that a hood formed over my head, and I felt like I was wearing my Merlin cape.

I was with Master Lucyah in the backyard of our house, receiving the radiance of the moon, and creating an Absolutely Magical Space of Pure Joy and Expansion. Turns out we had just participated in Shoud 11 of the Passion series, and the Merabh "Waking from the Dream" had instant effects.

I remember with great affection that the Shouds of the year 2020 largely coincided with the full-moon phase, so for a few months after watching the Shoud together, we stayed in the silence and sensuality of the illuminated nights, allowing the energies to move and embodying the beauty of the message we received. Sometimes we even discussed our favorite points and illuminated wonderful potentials, but there is something more to the night I am sharing today.

That night we allowed other dimensions to come to us.

The backyard was another place. The structures - the matrix - seemed ridiculous.

Any illusion was a reason for laughter: this night is a laugh full of wisdom.

We played like kids! We communicated in silence, with smiles, sighs, or loose phrases, wondering if the other was also feeling that magic.

At some point, I felt like I needed to write in my notebook. I left the backyard for the living room, took my black pen in hand, and began to channel my own wisdom. I wrote some pages of pure inspiration. The irony is that I have read these pages many times after that, but only today have I been able to perceive the essential beauty in the words and energies expressed there.

I share below a little of what I wrote that night: a poem that received its name today.

It's called "Enlightened".

The original poem is in Portuguese. I've had to change a few things for the English version, but the essence remained.

Enlightened (iluminada)

I Am Multiple

I Am Infinite



Create and activate

Designer. Painter. Dancer. Singer.

Music. Poem. I am artist and art.

I Am infinite in all directions.

All of my existences

Receive a touch of love

A light that rises

A Master on the bench

My light

Natural glow

I Am Real


I Am

Expansion and flow

Clarity and Shadow

No more in duality but now as a whole

The Oneness of all lives

The shattering of all lies

My wounded heart now flies

Duality is illusion

Feeling the Oneness

I end the confusion

No more inner fight

I Am One with my Light

Little human contemplates

with her crystal eyes

the stories that are telling the stars in the skies

All that I Am

It is such a sight!

The whole universe in the backyard’s nights

The dance of potentials swirls so bright

Without conflict - internal

I Am One with the Eternal

I Am

I Was

I Will Ever Be


Like the moon….


And beyond….


I just realized my light….


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